Alper focuses on commercial law, contract law and labour law consultancy and dispute resolution in these fields.
Through providing support to his clients at all stages of commercial and operational cycles, Alper takes on active roles in assisting multinational companies and international NGO’s in entering and exiting from the Turkish market as well as engaging in full assistance for operational requirements in between. In this respect, Alper has provided consultancy to several international NGO’s and companies in the textile, healthcare, metal, construction, food, chemical, agriculture, consulting and entertainment industries.
Alper’s educational background in business administration and work experience in commercial law enables him to provide practical and comprehensive guidance for commercial purposes. In this respect, Alper has also undertaken roles in winding down commercial operations inclusive of restructuring of commercial activities, financial restructuring and collective employee dismissals.
Alper also plays an active role in commercial, labour, consumer and tort related disputes. He assists clients in managing disputes at the offset by providing settlement negotiation services as well as the entire dispute process before courts.
While representing his clients, Alper takes their commercial objectives into consideration during the preparation, negotiation and execution of contracts, initial stages of disputes, settlement of negotiations and dispute of resolutions. Alper’s activities in various fields of law contribute significantly to his ability to offer integrated and innovative approaches and effective solutions.
As a professional manager, Alper also works as a board member and liquidator at several companies.
Victims of crime can avail themselves of the remedies provided in the Turkish Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code to protect their...
Drug use, trade and production pose a serious threat to society. Therefore, there are different regulations in place for deterrence...
Exit prohibition abroad can only be applied if the legal conditions are met and by a court or judge's decision. When deciding on an exit...
Detention is a measure considered as a last resort. This measure can only be resorted to in the presence of legal conditions and by...
The investigation process is an important step in determining whether or not to file a public lawsuit. At this stage, the prosecutor...
The rights of the detained person are the cornerstone of a fair trial and the presumption of innocence. Law enforcement officers must...
The Republic of Turkey has a legal framework that ensures that all persons, whether Turkish citizens or not, have fundamental rights...
The crime of fraud is a crime that can cause serious material and non-material damage to victims. Therefore, the simple and aggravated...
Intentional and unintentional bodily injury crimes occupy an important place in the Turkish Penal Code. The punishment for these crimes...
Judicial measures are an important tool for the proper conduct of criminal proceedings. These measures prevent the suspect or defendant...
In case the usufruct right is made subject to inheritance and transfer tax, the tax assessment should be appealed within 30 days of the...
In the event that an independent unit is rented in violation of the building management plan, administrative and criminal penalties may...
The determination of whether the employee has endangered occupational health and safety should be evaluated based on the concrete...
The Regulation on Automatic Inclusion of Employees in the Retirement Plan through their Employers, which entered into force on 27...
In lawsuits or execution proceedings where the subject matter is money or security, the creditor may request an interim attachment from...
In accordance with the circular published by the Social Security Institution (“SSI”) on 1 April 2021 code titled “29 - Termination by the...
While the associations ensure that their work is carried out in compliance with the legislation, they must fulfil not only their...
Mandatory mediation, competent court and territorial jurisdiction, evidence, the appeal and cassation processes, interim measures and...
Precautions are always our priority in managing occupational accident risks; however, we also need to be prepared for the aftermath of a...
Amendments to the Law on Associations will place an obligation on associations to carry out a notification before aid is sent outside of...
A monetary limit has been introduced regarding the cash transactions that associations may carry out. Associations will be obligated to...
The Amendment introduces regular inspection of associations and an increase in the scope of such inspections. According to the risk...
The Amendment introduces new steps for certain breaches as well as an increase in sanctions currently regulated under the Law of...
The Amendment authorises the Ministry of Internal Affairs (“MoI”) to remove one or all members of the board of directors and auditors of...
The Ministry of Health has developed the Life Fits into Home "HES" application in order to keep the Covid-19 pandemic under control...
The importance of corporate business e-mail accounts is increasing especially in the face of widespread shift to remote work and the use...
Yargıtay Hukuku Genel Kurulu, banka şubesinde çalışan işçi kadının mesai saatleri içerisinde giydiği topuklu ayakkabı ve bol paçalı...
In accordance with the decision numbered 2020/691 that has been recently published by the Personal Data Protection Authority...
Organizations which are subject to the Law of Associations, such as associations, representative offices, direct activity offices and...
It is important to note that the best preparation for an audit is to conduct the daily governance of organizations in accordance with...
Employer’s proposals for salary reductions are becoming more frequent as the economic impacts of the pandemic increase. In this post, we...
Amendment to the Associations Regulation has resulted in significant changes to the declaration requirements for cash and in-kind...
The Turkish Commercial Code Numbered 6102 stipulates the significant duties to be undertaken by liquidation officers during the...
Can it be possible to claim receivables from a company that has been liquidated? In this post we have evaluated the claim of receivables...
Is it possible for a company to exit a voluntary liquidation process to ensure its continuity? In this article, we have examined the...
The Turkish Commercial Code contains important provision ensuring the protection of company creditors and payment of their receivables...
Liquidation of companies is regulated in detail under the Turkish Commercial Code. Companies may enter the liquidation process for...
INGOs that are processing personal data directly or through representation office, direct activities or branches from Turkey are...
Data controllers that are processing personal data directly or through liaison offices or branches from Turkey are obligated to register...
Collectively held activities such as concerts, weddings, and festivals have been temporarily suspended within the scope of the measures...
As a result of the expanding digital ecosystem and developing digital economy, a new tax liability has been introduced for digital...
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, in-kind and cash donation activities of International and Local Non-Governmental Organizations that are...
Legal amendments allowing additional measures against stockpiling and unfair pricing have been enacted. These amendments are likely to...
Within the scope of the Omnibus Law numbered 7244, important amendments have been made to the Labor Law and Unemployment Insurance Law...
Have cheque submission been suspended in the scope of COVID-19 economic precautions? We have evaluated how the cheque submission dates...
The term for travel restrictions between certain cities in Turkey has been extended. We have summarised the conditions for travel...
SSI contribution payment deadlines have been extended for certain entities and individuals. In our post, we evaluated the scope and the...
2019 tax declaration and payment periods of annual income tax, VAT and withholding tax statements were postponed. In this post, we...
One of the economic measures taken to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak is the limitations on the dividend distribution of...
The statement has been issued by the Ministry of Justice that the execution of salary seizures will continue regardless of COVID – 19...
Short Term Employment Fund Share It has been announced the short term employment fund will be utilized for the purposes of mitigating the...
In order to mitigate the impact of COVID -19 on the econmony, Turkish President has announced a TRY 100 bl. additional fund named...
Social Cooperatives in Turkish Law Share In this blog, we aim to provide a framework regarding the legal structure of social...
Winding down commercial operations and liquidation of a company can be a difficult process. Getting a strong start can play an important...
Liquidating companies requires the implementation of a series of actions including winding down. Although, operations and needs of...
The Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237 ("TCC") regulates the actions which may constitute crimes with respect to the unlawful use of personal...
As a model of social entrepreneurship social cooperatives stand out as structures which bring together the purpose of social impact and...