Regulation on Remote Work

The Regulation on Remote Work (“Regulation”) has been entered into force with its publication in the Official Gazette on 10 March 2021. The remote working model was regulated within the scope of the amendments to Article 14 of the Labor Law made in 2016. The Regulation has further detailed the provisions stipulated under the Labor Law.

16 March 2021

Achilles Tendon of Personal Data Protection: Staff Files

Keeping staff files is an obligation regulated in the Labor Law and administrative fines are determined for the breach of this obligation. However, the content of the staff files is not arranged in a consolidated or strictly specified in a numerus clausus manner under the relevant legislation. Therefore, in habitual human resources practices, the content of the staff files is kept as wide as possible. This habit originating from practice has various drawbacks and risks with respect to the Personal Data Protection Law ("KVK").

09 February 2021

5 Must-Do’s in Case of an Occupational Accident

Precautions are always our priority in managing occupational accident risks; however, we also need to be prepared for the aftermath of a risk that materialises. Therefore, it is important to know the steps that need to be taken after a workplace accidents. In this post we have compiled 5 must-do’s in case of an occupational accident.

09 February 2021

Use of HES Code in the Workplace and KVK Precautions

The Ministry of Health has developed the Life Fits into Home "HES" application in order to keep the Covid-19 pandemic under control within social life. In this article, we will examine the processing of people's health data with the HES Code in terms of protecting personal data.

23 December 2020

Review of Corporate Emails without Employee Consent: Important Decision of the Constitutional Court

The importance of corporate business e-mail accounts is increasing especially in the face of widespread shift to remote work and the use of corporate emails to track operations. This raises the question: "Can the employer inspect the content of corporate emails?".

22 December 2020

Yargıtay Kararları Köşesi

Yargıtay Hukuku Genel Kurulu, banka şubesinde çalışan işçi kadının mesai saatleri içerisinde giydiği topuklu ayakkabı ve bol paçalı pantolon nedeniyle merdivenden düşmesini iş kazası olarak değerlendirdi. Karar, çalışanın giydiği kıyafetlerin, işverenin “İş Kıyafeti Uygulama Esasları”na uygun olduğu ve bu nedenle çalışanın ağır kusurlu sayılmayacağına dayandırıldı.

20 December 2020

Rights of Employees in Case of Salary Reduction

Employer’s proposals for salary reductions are becoming more frequent as the economic impacts of the pandemic increase. In this post, we have evaluated salary reduction proposals made by the employer, amendments in collective employment agreements regarding salary reduction and the rights that an employee possesses in these circumstances.

25 September 2020

Amendments to Terminations, Unpaid Leave and Unpaid Leave Insurance Termination through the Omnibus Law

Within the scope of the Omnibus Law numbered 7244, important amendments have been made to the Labor Law and Unemployment Insurance Law including limitations to terminating employment agreements by employers and application of unpaid leave without employee consent. In this post, we have evaluated these amendments.

01 July 2020

Postponement of Social Security Contribution Payment Deadline within the Scope of COVID – 19 Measures

SSI contribution payment deadlines have been extended for certain entities and individuals. In our post, we evaluated the scope and the period of this extension.

15 June 2020

Can Contraction of the COVID-19 be Considered as an Occupational Accident?

Can the contraction of the COVID – 19 virus be classified as an occupational accident? We have evaluated this issue in consideration of a recent court ruling and provided brief information relating to the liability of the employer.

27 April 2020

A Snapshot of Turkey: Awareness and Impacts of Mobbing

Awareness is the beginning point of solving a problem. In this post we evaluate the level of awareness and impact of workplace mobbing on an individual and institutional level.

23 March 2020
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